Sinopsis BCL Episode 21 - 50

Short synopsis of Bayu Cinta Luna Episode 22 on November 9, 2009, Monday
Bimo informs Luna that someone has opened a fake account in her name with the intention of slandering her.

Luna catches Krisna running away with a huge sum of money.

Krisna tries to hold on to the bag filled with money from the goon but the goon hits him and beats him up.
Short synopsis of Bayu Cinta Luna Episode 23 on November 10, 2009, Tuesday
Yulia asks Krisna regarding the photographs of Bimo hugging Sonia because Yulia plans on showing the photos whilst the video of Rahman and Lia is being played.

Lia accuses Sonia of purposely taking out photos with Bimo with the intention of getting famous.

Bimo is upset with Bayu for playing such cheap tricks by showing Sonia's pictures in front of everyone.

Short synopsis of Bayu Cinta Luna Episode 24 on November 11, 2009, Wednesday
Yulia is shocked when Lia tells her that Lia is the one who arranged for Sonia to become Bimo's secretary.

Luna and Bimo discuss about how they are going to handle Bayu and Krisna who are dead set on destroying Luna and Bimo's relationship.

Ershad gets angry and slaps Riska because he saw Riska going with Krisna.

Short synopsis of Bayu Cinta Luna Episode 26 on November 13, 2009, Friday
Bayu tells Lia that his love for Luna is so pure and real that he will never let anyone ruin it.

Lia reminds Ershad to not bring in his entire family into Lia's.

Luna firmly tells Bimo that Bayu is not at all wrong and it is entirely Bimo's fault.

Short synopsis of Bayu Cinta Luna Episode 27 on November 15, 2009, SundayBimo and Bayu fight again. Bimo accuses Bayu of being happy if Luna and Bimo were to separate.

Yulia and Bayu launch their new company. Luna attends the launching as Yulia invites her but she has no idea that it is actually a trap made by Yulia and Lia.

Luna is very shocked and sad when Bimo suddenly gives her divorce papers.

Short synopsis of Bayu Cinta Luna Episode 28 on November 16, 2009, Monday
Bayu remembers all the beautiful memories he has shared with Luna. Luna wishes to own a house on a hill.

Meanwhile, Bimo visits Sonia. Sonia is happy because she thinks that Bimo misses her but all of a sudden, Bimo slaps her.

The loan shark visits Luna and gives her two days to settle Ershad's debts.

Sonia goes to Luna. She wants to make sure that Luna signs the divorce papers as soon as possible. Luna is angry and gives Sonia a tight slap.

Short synopsis of Bayu Cinta Luna Episode 30Ivan finally gets married to Nadya at a mosque.
Meanwhile, Riska finally comes to know of Krisna's bad intention. Riska hits Krisna with a bottle.

At one time, a client tries to rape Luna. Luna is cornered that she finally dares to jump from the second floor.

Short synopsis of Bayu Cinta Luna Episode 31 on November 18, 2009, Wednesday
Seruni, Imran, and Bimo are shocked when Rahma claims that there is no more love and affection in their house and proposes a separation.

Yulia plans to get Bayu before he gets close to Luna again.

Luna explains to her family that Bimo has bought her a house.

Short synopsis of Bayu Cinta Luna Episode 32 on November 19, 2009, Thursday
Krisna sees the students have already gathered and he threats to end his life by jumping off the roof.

Bayu is happy to see Bimo and Luna are back together. But Luna explains him that he is the reason she is back to office, not Bimo.

Short synopsis of Bayu Cinta Luna Episode 33 on November 20, Friday
Ivan admits to Lia that he has married Nadia.

Because of being threatened by Bayu, Sonia admits that she did slander Bayu on Lia's orders.

Luna is angry with Bayu because he dared to get Ivan married to Nadia.

Yulia asks Bayu to get married and he agrees.

Short synopsis of Bayu Cinta Luna Episode 34 on November 21, 2009, Saturday
Bayu confides in Seruni regarding Sonia's confession. Seruni is shocked and doesn't believe Bayu said that Sonia slandered Bayu on Lia's order.

At one time, without anyone knowing, Lia reveals the secret about Bimo not being her real son.

It is the engagement party of Bayu and Yulia. But shockingly, Bayu cancels the engagement. Luna is present there and she is shocked.

Short synopsis of Bayu Cinta Luna Episode 35 on November 22, 2009, Sunday
Luna calls Bayu a coward because he cannot love any other woman other than Luna.

Luna goes to Bayu's house and gets angry in front of all the family members because he called off the engagement.

Yulia's father gets furious and swears that he will destroy Bayu's family business because Bayu broke off the engagement with Luna.

Short synopsis of Bayu Cinta Luna Episode 36 on November 23, 2009, Monday
Rahman is angry when Krisna's friends come to his house and say that Krisna and Nadia are married.

Bimo is very shocked when Bayu says that Lia is not Bimo's real mother.

Bimo tells Bayu that he will divorce Luna so that Bayu and Luna can continue having a relationship.

Short synopsis of Bayu Cinta Luna Episode 37 on November 24, 2009, Tuesday
Finally Bayu expresses his sincerity to Luna who is already Bimo's wife, although he emphasizes that he will never forget the beautiful memories they have shared together.

All the family members feel very sad when the doctor tells them that only a miracle can save Bimo's life as he is in a very critical state.

Short synopsis of Bayu Cinta Luna Episode 38 on November 25, 2009, Wednesday
Bayu is sad and disappointed because he has failed to keep his promise of never separating Bimo and Luna as now Bimo is dead.

Luna gets all pretty and wears a nice outfit to welcome Bimo's body. Its like Luna still can't accept the fact that Bimo really is dead.

Short synopsis of Bayu Cinta Luna Episode 39 on November 26, 2009, Thursday
Luna cries when she looks at Bimo's photo. Bayu looks at her compassionately from far.

After that, Bayu goes to Bimo's grave. He pours out all his feelings over there.

Short synopsis of Bayu Cinta Luna Episode 4o on November 27, 2009, Friday
Rahman asks Luna to promise that she will fulfill all of Bimo's dreams.

Krisna refuses a girl who begs for his love. Riska see this but she is unable to hear what they are saying.

The police call Bayu and asks him to go there because according to them there is some inconsistency in the case of Bimo's accident.

Short synopsis of Bayu Cinta Luna Episode 42 on November 29, 2009, Sunday
At the family gathering, Lia expresses her desire to apologize for her harsh behavior especially towards Nadia.

Luna tells Bayu that someone in the family has hurt her feelings.

Lia explains to Krisna that she cannot look bad in front of Ivan so that Ivan listens to her and continues staying at home whilst Nadia leaves.

Short synopsis of Bayu Cinta Luna Episode 43 on November 30, 2009, Monday
Luna doesn't understand why Yulia always thinks that she still has something to do with Bayu whereas according to Luna there is nothing going on as he is her past.

Bayu gets hurt when he hears Luna's statement because for Bayu, Luna is the love of his life.

In front of Bayu, Yulia says that she really loves him and is even willing to die for him.

Short synopsis of Bayu Cinta Luna Episode 45 pada 2 December 2009, Rabu
Riska merasa terganggu dengan sikap Krisna padanya hingga ia memutuskan berhenti bekerja, tetapi Luna menahannya dan meminta Riska bekerja untuknya.

Bayu marah kepada Luna karena sikapnya telah membuat klien mereka mengundurkan diri, tapi Luna berdalih kalau ia punya kuasa di perusahaan itu dan berhak untuk bicara apa pun.

Luna syok saat Rahman memberitahunya bahwa ia memutuskan untuk menikahkan Luna dengan Bayu.

Short synopsis of Bayu Cinta Luna Episode 46 pada 3 December 2009, Khamis
Lia mencoba mengintimidasi Seruni dan memintanya meninggalkan rumah itu, tetapi Seruni menolak dengan dalih rumah itu dibangun dengan keringat suaminya.

Luna mengancam akan mendepak Krisna apabila ia sudah mendapatkan bukti kuat kalau Krisna-lah yang menculik Riska.

Bayu dan Luna merasa canggung saat mereka bicara berdua, tetapi kemudian Bayu mengajak Luna makan siang untuk mencairkan suasana.

Short synopsis of Bayu Cinta Luna Episode 47 pada 4 Desember 2009, Jumat
Lia merasa bersyukur ketika Ivan memutuskan berhenti kuliah dan mulai bekerja di perusahaan keluarganya karena Ivan merupakan pewaris tunggal dan layak menjadi direktur utama.

Bayu berusaha membela Luna yang terus disalahkan Seruni. Tetapi Seruni merasa Bayu sudah terlalu menuruti Luna.

Krisna melaporkan kepada Seruni bahwa dia merasa kesal dengan perlakukan Bayu yang sudah mengusirnya dari kantor hanya demi Luna.

Short synopsis of Bayu Cinta Luna Episode 48 pada 5 Desember 2009, Sabtu
Rahman menginginkan Luna segera menikah dengan Bayu karena mendiang Bimo meminta Rahman untuk terus membuat Luna bahagia.

Lia menuduh Luna sebagai wanita bermuka dua karena di satu sisi dia berusaha menjadi wanita baik-baik yang tidak bisa melupakan Bimo sebagai mantan kekasihnya, sementara di sisi lain Luna berencana untuk menikah dengan Bayu.

Short synopsis of Bayu Cinta Luna Episode 49 pada 6 Desember 2009, Minggu
Bayu sedih karena Luna berbalik ingin meninggalkan dirinya.

Sementara itu Seruni bersikeras tidak menyetujui rencana pernikahan Bayu dengan Luna.

Ivan dan Saira bertemu di restoran, Saira penasaran dengan cincin kawin yang ada di jari Ivan, tapi Ivan berbohong tentang cincin kawin tersebut.

Short synopsis of Bayu Cinta Luna Episode 50 pada 7 Desember 2009, Isnin
Bayu merasa bahagia karena Luna akhirnya bersedia menikah dengan dia. Bayu juga akan mencoba membujuk Seruni untuk menyetujui.

Namun Seruni tetap bersikukuh menolak keinginan Bayu.

Suatu ketika, Luna dan Bayu terkejut didatangi oleh seorang polisi yang menjelaskan bahwa kematian Bimo tidak wajar. Ada yang membunuhnya.

Attuuukkooii..! panat boh gia menaip entri ni..:-)

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