Kotobian Tadau Tagazo Do Kaamatan..!!

Hello kawan2 blog sa..!!! aduuuiii betul2 sangat lama oh sa tidak masuk blog sa yang suda bersarang labah2 ni...hihihi...tersangat lah sibuk..nak cari masa untuk masuk blog pun susah... rinduuuuuuu sangat ng blog ni...

Hari ni cuti kan..??? naaaaa hari cuti ni baru sa terbuka blog ni...tau ka napa cuti hari ni dan besok..?? sebab pasal tu la..eh eh lupa pla... lupa mau ucap...KOTOBIAN TADAU TAGAZO DO KAAMATAN KUMAA DO TOINSANAN TULUN SABAH....haaaaaa paham ka? paham ka?? sa pun nda paham..! wakakakakaaaa... maksudnya selamat menyambut hari kaamatan kepada semua orang sabah...tu ja..eh betul ka tu sa cakap??..hehehee...betulkan ya kalo ada sa salah cakap...

Nasib ada cuti kan..kalo nda memang penat la kerja sja terus...hehe..yela sa pun nda bole tulis panjang2 juga ni..nanti akan ada masa sa update dari semasa ke semasa...huhuhuuu..keep in touch fellas..^^

Attuuukkooii..! panat boh gia menaip entri ni..:-)

Penat~oh penat~

Haluuuu semuaa...!! aduuuiiii blog sa ni macam banyak sudah sarang labah2 kan...telampau lama di kasi biar..huhu baru terbuka blog ni...maklum lah sa sangat sibuk sudah sekarang...ada juga sa buka2 blog ni tapi untuk buat entri baru tu yang tiada masa...

Ada lebih 3 minggu suda sa kerja dan sangat banyak kerja mesti kena buat...oh yaaaa....!!! hari ni pendaftaran student2 sa...!! heheheee...nda sabar tengok student2 yang mendaftar masuk...mesti ada yang menangis kot..?? hehe kalo student lelaki steady ja mungkin...hehee mesti siap bawa2 beg besar tu kan untuk masuk asrama...huahuahuahua....teringat zaman sa belajar di U...bawa beg sikut satu dan 1 luggage kecil...hahahaaa barang2 sa bawa dulu todak la banyak...yela mana mampu mau beli banyak barang...yuran lagi kena settle..sa bawa apa adanya seja pakaian dan barang2 keperluan...kesian bila sa ingat balik zaman sa masuk U...ni sekarang kolej yang sa kerja ni sumanya kerajaan tanggung..student yang masuk pun nda payah risau pasal yuran..semua kena tanggung..makan minum pun kena tanggung...tinggal datang mendaftar dan bawa barang ja...hhhuuuuuu sangat senang student2 zaman sekarang....

Apa2 pun harap pendaftaran hari ni berjalan lancar...! sambung lagi orientasi durang besok...adduuuiiii memang 1 minggu ni tanpa offday la sa...huuuwaaaaaaa....sangat2 penat ohhhhh....:(((

Attuuukkooii..! panat boh gia menaip entri ni..:-)

Petua untuk sihat dengan cara mudah

Sebenarnya kalo mau sihat kena jaga dari segi pemakanan dan senaman. Bagi orang yang titikberatkan pemakanan, baguslah sebab pemakanan yang sihat dan seimbang boleh mengawal pertambahan lemak di badan tu. Namun, senaman juga perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kesihatan kita.

Dalam banyak-banyak senaman lah kan, sebenarnya ada 3 jenis senaman seja yang paling efektif kalo kamu boleh lakukan dengan konsisten. Tidak perlu susah payah keluar pergi lari joging. Tidak payah nak pergi gim ka untuk jadi sihat. Tapi kalo nak bentukkan badan, gim amat sesuai. Tapi disini sa tekankan senaman untuk turun berat badan dan pecahkan dan hilangkan lemak-lemak terutamanya di sekitar perut dan mana-mana bahagian badan yang berlemak.

Antara 3 senaman yang paling senang dan efektif ialah bangkit tubi (sit up), skipping, dan lompat bintang. Sa mendapat info ini dari seorang kawan yang sangat menjaga badannya. Jadi dia syorkan sa untuk buat 3 jenis senaman ni saja memandangkan sa banyak lemak di perut kaki dan tangan. Di bahagian perutlah sangat ketara lemaknya..huhuhu

Macam yang kamu tau bangkit tubi/sit up tu boleh menguatkan otot perut. dan secara tidak langsung boleh mengempiskan perut. Jadi bagi sesiapa yang perutnya agak boroi bolehlah buat bangkit tubi ini. Tapi ingat kena konsisten. Dan kalo boleh buatlah dalam 3 set dan setiap set tu sebanyak 20 kali sit up. Lakukan setiap kali bangun dan sebelum tidur. Bangkit tubi banyak caranya tu. Jadi pilihlah mana satu cara bangkit tubi yang kamu mahu.

Skipping dan lompat bintang tu memerlukan tenaga yang banyak sebab itu perlu melompat. 2 senaman ini sebenarnya bagus sebab ia meningkatkan stamina, memecah dan mengurangkan lemak, turunkan berat badan dan semua otot kita terguna dalam senaman ini. Senaman ni juga lebih baik dari joging. Sa pernah amalkan senaman skipping ni masa sa masi belajar di U, dan salah satu kesan yang sa dapat rasa ialah sa tidak mudah rasa penat dan lelah biarpun banyak pergerakan dan tenaga yang digunakan. Sa turun naik tangga pun tidak cepat rasa penat. Ni senaman sangat ngam untuk wanita yang kerja dari pagi sampai petang dan jika tiada masa untuk joging, beli lah satu tali skipping atau buat lompat bintang di kediaman rumah. Tidak perlu pergi komplex sukan untuk joging. Buat senaman ni saja memang lebih dari cukup.

Lompat bintang

Jadi 3 senaman ni kamu boleh buat di rumah kamu seja. Bangkit tubi kamu boleh buat dalam rumah, skipping dan lompat bintang boleh buat di luar rumah. Mudahkan? Jadi buatlah mulai dari hari ni...


Attuuukkooii..! panat boh gia menaip entri ni..:-)

Ni kali laaa ~ karaja sudaaa..

HAaaaaaadduuuiiii....bisuk bermula episode kerja sa suda...mesti la tu busy suda...sorry la kalo mulai besok sa jarang jaaaaaaaarrang suda update blog ni..huhuhu tapi jangan risau sa akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk keep in touch ng blog kesayangan sa ni..dan of coz kepada follower2 yang gorjeeezzz...jangan pula kamu unfollow sa..sedih sa bahh..indada kawan nanti..hehehe

Hmmm...im a little bit worry nervous excited...campur2 la..hehe well itu saja sa mau bagitau..sa mula bisuk karaja suda...!! hmmm yala sa mau buat persiapan untuk bisuk..sediakan baju2 karaja untuk 1 week trus..hehe..

BTW...Selamat menyambut Hari Paska kepada kawan-kawan yang beragama Katolik..Kotobian Tadau Do Paska..

ok babaaaaaaiiii....

Attuuukkooii..! panat boh gia menaip entri ni..:-)

Sebenarnya Saya Isteri Dia

Yaaa..!! memang betul saya isteri dia..isteri si Aaron Aziz..! waaahh..!! hahahahaaa..habis sa nanti kena saman oleh isteri si Aaron Aziz...heh allaaaaa gurau seja bahhh...jangan lah bah serius2..nda bagus untuk kesihatan muka...nanti banyak kedut2..hehe

Sebenarnya Saya Isteri Dia ni sebuah drama melayu yang ditayangkan baru ja tadi di TV3 jam 9-10p.m...

Tarikh Mula Bersiaran : 29hb Mac 2013 ( 9.00PM)
Slot : Zehra ( Setiap Jumaat)
Jumlah Episod : 13 Episod
Terbitan : Primeworks Studios (arahan Raja Ahmad Alaudin)
Pelakon : 
Watak utama:
                 Tiz Zaqyah - Syafa Aqira 
                 Izzue Islam - Firash Arshad

Watak pembantu:
                 Qi Qushairi - Haqimy
                 Uqasha Senrose - Rania
                 Azlee Khairi - Raimy 
                 Fezrul Khan - Farish
                 Zuhairi Ibrahim - Datuk Fakhrul
                 Wilma - Datin Farizah
                 Marisa Yasmin - Puan Aida 

Adaptasi Dari Novel : Sebenarnya Saya Isteri Dia
Sinopsis Ringkas : Mengisahkan Syafa Aqira dan Firash Arshad yang ‘terpaksa’ berkahwin demi menjaga maruah keluarga, pelbagai dugaan menanti mereka berdua sebelum mengenali cinta dan mengecapi kebahagiaan

Cinta pertama tidak semestinya akan bersatu walaupun masing-masing berjanji untuk hidup bersama. Itulah yang terjadi pada Syafa Aqira dengan Farish Adryan. Cinta yang pernah dipupuk sejak zaman universiti lagi akhirnya terputus di tengah jalan apabila Farish bertekad untuk memutuskan hubungan itu lantaran satu peristiwa hitam yang terjadi pada satu majlis yang dihadiri oleh mereka berdua.

Cadangan ibu kepada Farish iaitu Datin Farizah untuk berkahwin dengan adik lelaki itu terpaksa diterima dengan reda walaupun dia tahu yang mungkin perkahwinan itu tidak menjanjikan bahagia. Dia terpaksa dalam rela demi sebuah harga diri dan rasa kasih terhadap Datin Farizah.

Laluan untuk mengharungi sebuah perkahwinan tanpa cinta bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah buat Syafa Aqira. Kehidupannya sebagai isteri langsung tidak dipedulikan apatah lagi perkahwinan mereka dirahsiakan atas permintaan Firash. Namun dia reda kerana kesibukan lelaki itu masih bergelar pelajar walaupun setiap kata-kata sinis yang terbit dari mulut Firash ditelan dengan rasa terbuku di dalam hati.

Semuanya mula sedikit demi sedikit berubah apabila kawan baik serta abang sepupu kepada Firash cuba untuk mendekati Syafa dan kala itulah Firash mula menyedari yang dia sudah mula menyayangi isterinya itu.

Dan kala rasa sayang dan cinta mula hadir, ada saja dugaan yang datang menimpa. Kehadiran abang tiri dan adik tirinya yang tidak disangka-sangka mengeruhkan rasa cinta yang mula terbina. Syafa akhirnya pergi membawa diri dengan hati yang terluka. Firash kecewa. Hidupnya serba-serbi tidak kena. Bagi Firash, Syaf adalah anugerah terindah di dalam hidupnya. Dia sanggup untuk berbuat apa saja demi mendapatkan kembali kepercayaan dari isterinya itu.

## Agak-agak sekarang famous amos juga kan khawin paksa ni kan...dalam dunia realiti sekarang kamu tengok ada ka selalunya terjadi begini..?? rata-rata sa tengok macam khawin dengan pasangan kesayangan dorang ja pun...kuikuikuikui...

Attuuukkooii..! panat boh gia menaip entri ni..:-)

Sinopsis last episode sinetron Aliya

Biasa kita akan nampak lead hero dan heroin bersama kan? tapi dalam cerita ni si Aliya khawin sama si Faris juga bukan sama si Galang..and then macam biasa semua pun happy ending..:-)

Sinopsis Episode Akhir
Hendri dan Faris menemui Aliya di rumah sakit. Dia meminta maaf dan merestui Aliya dan Faris. Hendri menanyakan Aliya tentang pertunangannya dengan Faris. Aliya setuju tetapi meminta pertuangannya ditunda. Aliya  ingin lebih fokus merawat Mutia.

Oma Puspa terkejut mengetahui Aliya adalah anak Sinta. Faris memohon kepada omanya agar menyetujui. Akhirnya oma puspa setuju.

Marina menerima surat undangan tanpa nama pengirim untuk bertemu di café diamond. Zaki mengintip dan mengikuti Marina menemui orang yang mengundangnya. Marina terkejut saat tahu orang yang mengundangnya adalah Dana. Dana meminta maaf ke Marina. Dana menyesal karena tidak mengakui anak Marina. Marina tidak mau memaafkan Dana namun Dana bersikokoh meminta maaf. Dana meyakinkan Marina kalau dia telah menyesal dan akan berubah. Dana mengajak Marina menikah. Marina menampar Dana. Marina tidak mau memaafkan Dana. Dana terus memohon agar Marina mau memaafkan dan kembali menerima Dana. Akhirnya Marina tersentuh dan memeluk Dana. 

Zaki yang dari tadi mengintip kecewa. Zaki duduk di tepi kolam menangis kecewa karena Marina lebih memilih Dana dan tidak menganggap pengorbanannya selama ini. Pram datang dan menghiburnya. Atas nasehat dari Pram akhirnya Zaki menerima kenyataan dengan berlinang air mata.

Di rumah sakit Aliya akan melakukan pemeriksaan untuk donor hati. Di dalam kamar rawatnya Mutia merasa bersalah terhadap Aliya. Dia merasa tidak pantas untuk menjadi ibu Aliya. Mutia menangis dan mengamuk. Zaki yang datang untuk menengok ibunya terkena lemparan jeruk.

Zaki menemui ayahnya dan memberitahu kalau ibunya mengamuk. Anjar, Aliya dan Shinta masuk ke kamar Mutia. Mutia mengancam akan bunuh diri. Ia tidak mau menerima donor hati dari anak orang yang paling ia benci. Melihat itu Aliya ikut mengancam akan bunuh diri. Mutia terkejut, ia tak mau Aliya mati. Mutia melunak. Mutia sadar dan memeluk Aliya. Saat berpelukan tiba-tiba Mutia jatuh pingsan.

Beberapa saat kemudian Mutia sadar dan meminta dokter untuk memanggil Aliya, Anjar dan Shinta. Di ruangan itu Mutia mengatakan sangat menyayangi Aliya. Aliya memeluk Mutia yang masih terbaring. Mereka berdua menangis.

Mutia menitipkan Aliya ke Shinta. Anjar meminta istrinya untuk sembuh namun jawaban Mutia malah ia meminta maaf ke Anjar. Ia meminta maaf atas kelakuannya selama ini. Itu ia lakukan karena sangat mencintai Anjar. Namun cara yang dilakukannya salah. Anjar mengatakan kalau ia juga mencintai Mutia. Mutia berterima kasih dan meminta maaf kepada ketiganya. Mutia pun menghembuskan nafasnya yang terakhir.

Di hari pemakaman mutia, adegan dipenuhi flashback kenangan Mutia.

Aliya datang menemui Shinta. Shinta menjelaskan alasannya tidak menghadiri pemakaman Mutia. Ia ingin memberi kebebasan keluarga Mutia melepas Mutia. Aliya mengerti itu.Shinta meminta Aliya untuk mulai membuka hati menerima dia sebagai ibunya.

Di penjara Sandra meminta Anindita untuk membantunya keluar dari penjara. Anindita pun menyampaikan rencananya. Anindita pura-pura pingsan dan saat itu Sandra memanfaatkannya untuk kabur.Saat Sandra mau keluar ia melihat Galang datang. Galang datang untuk membebaskannya. Sayang Sandra tidak tahu itu. Sandra akhirnya kabur dari penjara bersama Anindita. Galang kecewa mengetahui ibunya kabur dari penjara.

Di rumah Wisnu, Marina meminta maaf karena telah membohongi Wisnu dan Sinta perihal anaknya. Wisnu marah namun tak disangka Wisnu juga bangga akan keberanian Marina mengaku. Sinta dengan ketus menanyakan kapan Marina dan Dana akan menikah.

Hendri datang untuk menanyakan pernikahan Aliya dan Faris. Wisnu mengusulkan agar pernikahan Aliya dan Faris dilangsungkan bersama pernikahan Marina danDana.

Aliya menangis di makam Mutia. Ia meminta restu untuk menikah.

Sandra mendatangi Kevin untuk meminta bantuan membuatkan ia dan Anindita paspor palsu. Kevin mengiyakan. Tetapi tiba-tiba polisi datang untuk memangkap Kevin, Sandra dan Anindita. Sandra memohon kepada Galang untuk menolongnya. Tetapi Galang sepertinya sudah terlanjur kecewa.
Kevin berhasil melarikan diri namun ia tertembak. Ia menceburkan diri ke sungai dan polisi kehilangan jejak.

Galang membuka sebuah kado di kamarnya. Isinya kalung Aliya yang diberikan oleh Gilang dan surat. Surat itu berisi Aliya menitipkan kalung dan memberitahukan kalau ia akan menikah dengan Faris. Aliya berharap Galang bisa menerimanya sebagai saudara.

Hari pernikahan pun tiba. Saat akan ijab kabul Galang datang dan menghentikan. Semua terkejut. Galang mengembalikan kalung yang dititipkan Aliya kepadanya. Kalung itu adalah kenangan Gilang dan harus Aliya yang menjaganya. Galang memberikan selamat kepada Faris dan Aliya.

"Galang kamu gak marah sama aku?"tanya Aliya ke Galang. "Untuk apa aku marah Aliya. Aku bahagia. Mungkin aku tidak bisa mendapatkanmu sebagai kekasih tetapi aku mendapatkanmu sebagai adik. Mulai saat ini akau akan menjagamu sebagai adik."; "Aku juga senang mempunyai kakak sepertimu."

Aliya melihat arwah Mutia datang dan melambaikan tangan ke arahnya dan memberikan ciuman. Arwah mutia menghilang, Shinta datang mengejutkan Aliya.

Di luar gedung Marina menolak naik andong ia ingin naik mobil seperti pengantin yang lain. Faris menanyakan Aliya mau naik andong atau naik mobil. Aliya memilih naik andong. Melihat Aliya naik andong dengan terpaksa Marina juga naik andong.

Saat Dana akan naik andong Kevin datang meneodongkan pistol. Berkat pukulan sepatu Marina Kevin menjadi lengah dan Galang menghajarnya, disusul Faris, Hendry dan Wisnu. Polisi datang menangkap Kevin dibelakang ikat gali berpergikan ke kantor polisi dia masuk penjara.

Attuuukkooii..! panat boh gia menaip entri ni..:-)

Wordless Thursday: Kebosanan yang teramat

Selamat petaanngggg...!! Hari ni hari khamis...huuuuaaaaaaa cepatnya masa berlalu...pejam celik mau masuk bulan 4 suda...bulan yang paling dinanti2...hehe yala MAU KHAWIN....!!...eh eh eh..! salah taip...mau karaja ba pula...bukan mau khawin..hehe khawin tu lama lagi la...tapi target umur untuk khawin sebelum 26 tahun...hihi tu target la kunu..jadi sa ada at least kurang dari 2 tahun lagi untuk kerja keras kumpul duit..hihi calon suda ada cuma masing-masing kami mau menyibukkan diri kumpul duit untuk khawin..yela belakang hari ada anak takkan mau bagi makan anak batu...hihi

Eh eh eh...jauh simpang suda cerita sa tetiba pasal khawin..hahahahaaa..ni cerita pasal kerja sa la pulak...hmmm hari isnin depan ngam2 1 april ni sa mula suda kerja...nda sabar2 mau kerja..fikir pasal kerja ni kin sa nerves la pula...yela jawatan yang sa kena bagi bukan apa ahh..PERSONAL ASSISTANT kepada DIREKTOR..! huuuaaaa...nasib la juga director sa tu pompuan...kalo lelaki yang kacak..segak..da macam dalam cerita korea gitu...kunun2 la dia suka dera sa buat kerja itu ini..suka kacau sa la...tapi at the same time dia suka buat sa marah gitu..lepas tu kalo 1 hari tidak kacau sa tidak sah..ada seja dia buat untuk kasi kena sa...lepas tu kalo ada yang jahat sama sa dia akan pertahankan sa...HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA... tu semua dalam cerita korea saja boleh dapat jalan cerita begitu ok..!! dalam dunia realiti susah mau dapat..!! hahahahahaaa cukup CHELL..!! jangan lagi ko berangan2 sana...hehe

Alaaaa kalo director tu lelaki pun tidak juga sa kisah...sa suda ada my lovely MR.F..!! hehe (kalo juga muka director tu macam si LEE MIN HO..meroyan la...!!hahahaha)

AAAhhhhhhh...suda tu semua karut..! hihihi...suda la malas mau cerita lagi..babaaiii..mau out minum2 petang sambil dingar lagu dusun di radio astro channel 867...dingar kamu..best tu lagu2 dusun...hehehe..

Attuuukkooii..! panat boh gia menaip entri ni..:-)

Trip ke Kundasang - Desa Mesilau

Selepas kami di Kundasang, kami pun dibawa pergi ke Desa Mesilau. hihi...untuk pengetahuan kamu, sana memang sejuk ohh..sangat-sangat sejuk...tapi kalo kamu jenis yang tahan sejuk, tidak masalah lah..tapi kalo yang ndak tahan sejuk..siap-siap la bawa baju sejuk ka...

Ini perjalanan masuk ke Desa Mesilau..cantikkan pemandangan  sini dan pasti udaranya sungguh nyaman.. Nampak apa tu yang terserlah?? Gunung Kinabalu...hehehe..

Inilah dia masa untuk proses pemerahan susu lembu. 
Bijakkan lembu ini berbaris dalam satu barisan dan menunggu giliran mereka untuk diperah susu mereka. hehe...
Boleh nampak ka macam mana susu lembu diperah?

Tempat ni best untuk dilawat. Jadi kalo bercuti ke Sabah, jangan lupa lawat ni tempat...memang best tempat-tempat di Sabah ni..

Attuuukkooii..! panat boh gia menaip entri ni..:-)

Trip to Kundasang - Desa Mesilau

Masa sa sedang kemas2 fail sa di laptop ni nampak pula gambar2 yang sa ambil masa trip ke desa mesilau time sa masih study di UMS tu. Trip tu sebenarnya dianjurkan untuk salah satu assignment kami time kami di tahun akhir. So tu la semua student marketing pun setuju lah mau buat trip ke Desa Mesilau. Asalnya kami mau pergi ke Labuan, tapi nampaknya banyak makan kos. Nak pergi Sabah Tea pun lecturer ndak bagi sebab alasan suda ada banyak badge senior2 sebelum kami yang suda pergi sana. So kena buat pembaharuan sikit.

Sebelum pergi ke desa mesilau, kami singgah dulu di Kundasang. Jadi sempat jugalah pergi bergambar2 di sana..hihi

Permandangan dari Kundasang..nampak berdiri teguhnya gunung kinabalu kan..Gunung Sabah yang satu-satunya membanggakan Sabah..

Kundasang War Memorial ni banyak menyimpan tentang sejarah tentang tahanan tentera Australia dan British yang terkorban di Sandakan dan Ranau semasa perarakan ke Ranau dalam Perang Dunia II. 

Kasi tahu kamu lah, kalo kamu mau pergi ke Kundasang, singgahlah di Kundasang War Memorial ini sebab ia memang tempat bersejarah. Ngam untuk anak-anak yang masih lagi belajar untuk kasi kuat ilmu Sejarah. hehehe...

Tapi ini cerita betul ni...tiap tahun mesti akan ada orang-orang putih yang dari Australia dan British yang datang ke Sabah sini especially sini Ranau dan Sandakan sebab itu lah kejadian Sandakan Death Marches. Durang datang sebab memberi penghormatan kepada kawan-kawan mereka yang banyak terkorban. Jangan hairan ada di antara mereka yang memang masih hidup sampai sekarang sebab tu lah durang mesti akan datang sini Sabah untuk melawat tempat-tempat yang bersejarah hitam bagi durang.

Trip ke Desa Mesilau di sini

Attuuukkooii..! panat boh gia menaip entri ni..:-)

Sinopsis Broken Vow Episode 61-95

Pertama sekali sinopsis drama Broken Vow ini tidak lengkap kerana ada banyak sinopsis episodnya yang tidak terdapat di internet. Sa cuma dapat mencari sinopsis separuh daripada episod ini.

Episode 61  
It was hard for Melissa Santiago to accept the storymade by the camp of her former husband, Felix Rastro . They said that Felix had already confessed to her that he was the man during that incident and that both of them were under the influence of alcohol. Melissa shouted and cried. She told Felix what a liar he is and that he had never confessed to her. She got married with him because she really thought that he was a good man. Outside the court, Melissa told Felix that he should already confess so that everything would just be easy and that it would not take them so long. Donya Ofelia ‘Amorcita’ Rastro  said that she would not easily let her nephew lose like that. They would fight up to the end. Melissa answered them back. She does not care even if they spend all their wealth, as long as the truth is with her. A year had passed and still the case was still not close. Felix is still in jail for his case is non- bailable. A friend of Felix told him if he is not yet going tyo give up. Felix said that he will not give uo that moment especially now that he had seen that his family is being taken away by Roberto Sebastian . Melissa, on the other hand, was told by her friend, Amy, that she and Roberto are made for each other by heaven. The two of them were only given some obstacles but in the end, they will still be the ones who will end up with each other. Melissa was watching how Roberto and her daughter, Eva Santiago  get along. She could see the happiness of Eva when Roberto is around. She knows that Eva is already yearning for a father’s love.

Episode 62 
Eva Santiago  visited her father Felix Rastro  in jail. She badly misses her father so much. Felix was very glad that her daughter was there. He wanted to see her every day. He wanted to be with her when she grows. After their talk, Felix gave Eva a letter. He told her that it was intended for her mother, Melissa Santiago. When Eva reached their home, she then gave what her father asked her to do. Melissa was very angry. She thought that Felix was just using their daughter to make her heart soften. She then went to the station and talked with Felix. She scolded him for asking that favor to their daughter. She told Felix that she already lost her love for him. It vanished the day she knew that he was the one who raped her. Felix was devastated to hear those words from Melissa. He felt he was losing everything. Felix had a heart to heart talk with his lawyer. He asked her as as a woman and not as an attorney. The lawyer told him that when a woman loves, she would love him with her whole heart especially when it is the father of her child.

Episode 63  
Bea Guevarra had decided to go somewhere else to look for her grandmother, Lourdes Atilano . Bea then told her half- sister, Julia Alejandro- Guevarra , that she would be only away for a short period of time. She will be back to be with them again. Julia followed what her older sister had told her. She then went to the room of their father, Rico Guevarra . Julia wished that Bea would find answers outside. She also hoped that her father would would already be cured. She wants to get out of that place. She wants to escape from evil mother, Sharon Alejandro- Guevarra , and sister, Frances Alejandro . Meanwhile, Mario Escobar asked Sharon why she allowed Bea to go out. He is afraid that she might have found out something and will tell it to the police. Sharon said that she is confident that Bea has got no ideas. If Bea had known something, she should have reacted already.Sharon tol Mario that she is sure that Bea will come back to the mansion in a couple of days. When Bea reached the house of her best friend, Ziri Claustro , she then asked if Lola Lourdes was there. Ziri said that Lola Lourdes had not passed their house and that she had not seen her also. Bea is already worried where might her grandmother had gone. She is worried for her safety and health. Sharon’s intuition was correct. Bea did come back home. Bea begged them to accept her again. She could not bear to be separated form her father, Rico, and sister, Julia.

Episode 64   
Roberto Sebastian  toured Melissa Santiago  to the church that he wanted them to have their wedding venue. While looking at the church, Melissa’s mind was on something else. She was thinking of that day. The supposed- to- be- occasion on that day. It was supposed to be her and Felix Rastro’s  wedding anniversary. She then remembered an event when their daughter, Eva Rastro  told them that she already wants to have a sibling. Felix then told her that every anniversary they should have a child. He wants to have a very big and happy family. Roberto notices that Melissa’s face had no reaction. He asked her if she did not like the church. Melissa simply said that she remembered something. When they were inside the church, Melissa prayed to the Lord to help her forget Felix. It is very hard for her because she still remembers the good memories she shared with Felix. She wanted to love Roberto again. But it is still very difficult for her. Her friend, Amy , advised her that she should already forget about her former husband, Felix. She should love Roberto again. She should remember the time she had loved him before. Meanwhile, the lawyer of Felix told Donya Ofelia ‘Amorcita’ Rastro  that she would be the one who will be on the witness stand next hearing. Donya Amorcita then said that she is already ready of what she will say in court. But they should not tell Felix about that because she knows that Felix would stop her. During the hearing, Donya Amorcita did say what she got to say. Melissa reacted to what the old woman was saying. And so was Felix.

Episode 65  
Roberto Sebastian  visited Melissa Santiago  at her home. He reminded her that she should be focusing now on the things that is giving her happiness Melissa is already done solving her problem for how many years. Melissa thanked Roberto for being such a big help to her during the case. If it was not for his support, she would have not survived. Roberto then started about their wedding. Melissa suddenly remembers the time when they were supposed to get married. It was clear in her mind that Roberto did not marry her because of the child she bear. Melissa then asked Roberto again why he ran on their wedding day. Roberto said that he was afraid; he did not know what to do. Meanwhile, Roberto happily reported his upcoming marriage with Melissa to his friend. They did not know that Roberto’s mother, Rosanna Sebastian , had heard everything they were talking about. She then called on Rebecca Sta. Maria- Sebastian , Roberto’s real wife. Rebecca was mad. She and Roberto are still married. She would not allow that Roberto would get married to Melissa. She immediately went back to manila to stop Roberto. She told him that Melissa still loves Felix Rastro and not him. Roberto was very mad. He had already told Rebecca not to come back and show her face again. He punched her and threatened her of her life. He would do everything what he wishes to do. Now that he is already close in getting Melissa back, he would not allow anybody to stop it. He would surely get rid of the hindrance to his happiness. He would not mind who that person is. All he would think is his marriage to Melissa.

Episode 66 
Roberto Sebastian  told Rebecca Sta. Maria  that their marriage was not documented. Roberto told her that the documents are already lost. So, technically he is single. Rebecca was remorse by what Roberto was telling her. She told him that she had done everything to make love him but that is all she receives from him. Roberto was very mad and told her that he would never wish to have a wife like her. Rebecca then shouted at him that Melisa Santiago (Bianca King) would never love her. Melissa loves Felix Rastro . He could never have the heart of Melissa. Rosanna Sebasta, Roberto’s mother, have heard the commotion inside. She was very worried about what was happening. When the door opened, she found Rebecca lies on the floor. She was with bruises. She could not imagine that her son does that to Rebecca. Meanwhile, Melissa was thinking of what happened earlier at the jail. She did not know what to do when she was asked by Felix to cancel her marriage to Roberto. Felix was right. She does not love Roberto like she loves him before. Melissa assessed her feelings. She had decided that she should do the right thing. She does not need a man to be happy again. She had survived raising Eva Rastro  alone. She then went to see her mother, Amor Santiago. She first told her mother not to get angry with her. She confessed to her Amor that she does not want to push through with the marriage anymore. She realized that she does not love Roberto anymore. Melissa did not know that Roberto had heard everything she had said. It was very painful for him. But he does not care. The wedding will still happen, no matter what happens.

Episode 91
Rosanna Sebastian  had seen on the news that the convicted Felix Rastro  is on loose. She was shocked by this news and was alarmed by the status of his son, Roberto Sebastian . While the Sebastian couples were on their way to some place, Rosanna had seen Rebecca Sta. Maria talking with Kenneth . Rosanna knows that Kenneth is a friend of Felix. She then told her husband, Lucio Sebastian (Juan Rodrigo), that she is sure that Rebecca helped Felix on his way out. Meanwhile, Felix was shot by Roberto. Felix and Melissa Santiago- Sebastian  hid in the bus. Melissa was very much worried for Felix’s statebecause he was already losing too much blood. Felix told Melissa to escape and save herself. But Melissa told him that she would never leave him there. She could not take any more leaving him behind. She wanted to be with him. She will go out and look for someone who could help them. Mayor Roberto then instructed his men that they go into separate ways so that they would be able to find Melissa and Felix. At the mansion of the Rastro’s, Donya Ofelia  heard Eva Santiago  praying. She was shocked when she heard the child say that she was placed by Rosanna inside the dog’s cage. Donya Ofelia then approached Eva and asked her what she had just said in her prayer. Eva told her that she is happy now because she is away from Rosanna. Donya Ofelia cried and hugged her granddaughter.

Episode 92  
Lucio Sebastian had Rebecca Sta. Maria  kidnapped. Rebecca begged to let her go and help her stop Mayor Roberto Sebastian . Rebecca told him that Roberto is very dangerous and he would not hesitate to kill someone just to get what he wants. But Lucio told her that he could not dare betray his own son. He would support him if whatever plans he would be making. Rebecca said that Roberto is already insane. He has the capacity to hurt anybody. Meanwhile, Roberto and his men followed the policemen who got hold of Felix Rastroand Melissa Santiago- Sebastian . He then tried to get Melissa form Felix. Because of that, it causes a commotion in the plaza. Felix and Melissa escaped from the hands of the policemen and from the hands of Roberto. While Felix and Melissa were running, a white van stopped in front of them and commanded them to hop in. The two had no choice. They had to get away with Roberto. When they were inside of the van, Felix asked who the men were. The two men answered him that they are workers of a friend of his Aunt Ofelia (Celia Rodriguez). Felix was so thankful upon knowing about that. He was grateful that his Aunt did not leave him in times like that. Melissa, on the other hand, was also thankful that Donya Amorcita is very good to her. She did not know how to thank them. She had caused them too much pain and yet here they were helping her.

Episode 93   
Amy  immediately went to the house of Donya Ofelia ‘Amorcita’ Rastro . She informed Melissa Santiago- Sebastian  and Felix Rastro that their daughter was kidnapped by Lucio Sebastian . Felix was very mad. They do not how they could ever have Eva Santiago  back. Donya Amorcita went to the mansion of the Sebastian. She commanded them to return her granddaughter, Eva. She even threatened them that she would file a kidnapping case against them if they would not return her granddaughter. Rosanna Sebastian  then said that Eva is not with them. She then said that their family is not composed of people who are convicts. She would rather be afraid of her because her nephew is a rape convict. Rosanna then said that Donya Amorcita should surrender her nephew to the police authorities. Donya Amorcita then said that she would cover for her nephew as much as they are covering for the wrong doings of Roberto Sebastian (Gabby Eigenmann). Rosanna reminded Donya Amorcita that she should be threatened while she is still inside their premises. She could have her shot dead for trespassing. Donya Amorcita left the two Sebastian with a promise that she is not yet done with them. She would not stop until that Eva and Melissa are at peace. Meanwhile, Roberto had a deal with Melissa. Melissa agreed to surrender to Roberto if he would agree to let Eva go. She wanted to make sure that her daughter would be in good hands.

Episode 94  
Melissa Santiago- Sebastian asked her husband, Mayor Roberto Sebastian , where Felix Rastro  was. Roberto told her that Felix is already dead. Melissa then asked where her daughter, Eva Sebastian  is. Roberto told her that Eva is in his parents’ house. She would be safe with them. Meanwhile, Eva begged to Rebecca Sta. Maria  to help her escape from that house. Rebecca did not know what to do. She did not want to have any problem with the Sebastian couples. When Rebecca was about to go, Lucio Sebastian  then tried to tell her that her travelling bag was damaged. Rosanna Sebastian  then said that she will try to let things be mended by time. They also have those special memories together before. Rebecca then let Eva get out from the bag. Rebecca accompanied her to the house of her Lola Amorcita . Amy  was the one who opened the gate for the child. She was very glad that Eva was fine. Meanwhile, Donya Ofelia ‘Amorcita’ brought her men at the mansion of the Sebastian. She commanded them to let Eva out. She also reminded them that because of their family the Sebastian Family would have not gone anywhere in the politics. She had helped them allthroughout the elections.

Episode 95   
Rosanna  and Lucio Sebastian  were very mad when they have seen their son, Roberto Sebastian dead. They could not accept what had happened to him. Rebecca Sta. Maria  told them that she could not also accept what had happened to Roberto. She still loves him so dearly. But that is his fate. He was already doing disastrous things to others. Rosanna then said that they would let Felix Rastro pay for what had happened to Roberto. Lucio then told his wife that he had already called the police authorities and told them where Felix is. Rosanna then said that she does not want to wait for the decision in court. She will put justice in her hands. Lucio then commanded Rebecca to go to the house of Donya Ofelia ‘Amorcita’ Rastro  and find out where Felix will be. When they had known that Felix will be arrested by the police, Rosanna then went to the place. She saw Melissa Santiago- Sebastian (Bianca King) and told her that she is the reason why her son became crazy. His son, Roberto, was very in love with her and yet she did not do anything to compensate it. She then told Melissa to look at the car Felix was aboard. Minutes later, the police car then exploded. Melissa and Donya Ofelia were hysterical. They did not know what to do. Rosanna was very happy of the scene she saw. She did not care that she will be in jail as long as she had taken revenge for her son.

Attuuukkooii..! panat boh gia menaip entri ni..:-)

Sinopsis Broken Vow - Episode 46-60

Pertama sekali sinopsis drama Broken Vow ini tidak lengkap kerana ada banyak sinopsis episodnya yang tidak terdapat di internet. Sa cuma dapat mencari sinopsis separuh daripada episod ini.

Episode 46  
Melissa Santiago- Rastro  had found out that it was her husband, Felix Rastro  who raped her. She then confronted him and told him what she felt. She could not believe that he had kept that secret form her. She felt being betrayed. Felix was crying. He told her that he really did not intend to do that. That event has been just a surprise for him by his friends. He did not think that the lady his friends brought him was being kidnapped. But Melissa could not accept his explanation. For her, Felix stole herfuture; her dreams. And now, he had also stolen her heart. She could not accept the fact that the man he married is also the same person who destroyed her life. She could not imagine that the person she was looking for how many years was with her all those years. Felix begged at Melissa. He told her that there is nothing wrong with that anymore because he is also the real father of Eva Marie Santiago. After saying those words, Eva heard came and eard everything. She was confused by what was happening. She saw her mom crying. Melissa then told Eva that they are now going to leave the house. Felix was devastated. He got some beers and started drinking. Dona Ofelie “Amorcita” Rastro came and asked Felix what was happening. Felix told Amorcita that Melissa and Eva had already left him. Amorcita was confused. She then asked Felix what had happened and demanded him to tell her everything. She would clearly understand everything if he would tell her the truth.

Episode 47 
Melissa Santiago- Rastro  went to see and confide to Roberto staintian. She is really angry with Felix. She could not believe that Felix was the man who destroyedher life. Roberto then asked her if she was going to file a case against Felix. Melissa then said that she is still thinking about it. She had also thought if the reason that Felix told her. Felix said that he did not mean to do that thing to her. He never knew that she was just kidnapped by his friends. Roberto then kept quiet. He was thinking of the things that the friend of Felix said. He remembered him saying that Felix was innocent. They were the ones who kidnapped Melissa and gave her as a gift to Felix. Felix was only informed that she was a woman from the bar. But Roberto did not let Melissa know about that. He just kept it to himself. Meanwhile, Amor Santiago  and Melissa were talking about the feelings of Eva Santiago towards Felix. Amor could not blame that Eva is attached to Felix because he had beenso good for the child. So, if ever Melissa would push through with the case, she should think about its outcome not only to herself but also to Eva. Melissa then asked her mother to whom she was siding with.Amor then answered her back that she was only thinking about what it may cause to Eva. She knows that it would be very painful to the child. And they, too, would get hurt. The child would also be experiencing the pain that Melissa had gone through.

Episode 48  
Donya Ofelia ‘Amorcita’ Rastro  asked for forgiveness to Amor Santiago. She is very sorry for what her nephew, Felix Rastro, did to Melissa Santiago- Rastro. Amor was just calm. She answered Donya Amorcita that she wanted to forgive Felix but the solution of the problem is not in their hands. It is the problem between Felix and Melissa. Felix went out form his private room. He told his mother- in- law, Amor, that whatever explanation he gave to Melissa, she would not accept it. Eva Santiago  then approached her father. She told him that she would help him asking forgiveness from her mother. She knows that her father is a good man. Felix was at ease. When Amor went home, Melissa was shocked when she did not see Eva. She started to worry. Eva then came in and said she was just behind. But together with her was her father, Felix. Felix then asked for forgiveness. But all Melissa could remember was what the man did to him that night. It was the moment that her life was destroyed. She could never forget that. Meanwhile, Roberto Sebastian was crying. He regrets the day that he left Melissa. It could have been them. They could have lived a happy life. He could have been happy with his marriage. But he could not turn back the time. It was his entire fault.

Episode 50   
Roberto Sebastian  was blaming himself for not having Melissa Santiago- Rastro . But later on, he was blaming Felix what had happened to his relationship with Melissa. Meanwhile, Eva Santiago  had a talk with her mother, Melissa. She told her that her father, Felix, loves her so much. Melissa then told her daughter that her father had done something wrong to her. Eva told her mother to forgive father Felix. Melissa said that it is not that easy. But the child reminded her mother what she once told her. It is just easy to forgive the person if you would know what the real situation is. She knows that her father Felix has a good explanation to that. Melissa was touched by those words of the child. She could not imagine that her daughter is getting matured of the situation. Melissa knows that Eva is already getting affected by the issue. Melissa had decided to talk on Felix. She called him and told him that she is going to meet up with him. All she wanted too now is the truth. Felix was very happy. He answered Melissa that he is going to explain everything. He would tell her all the details. He would never miss it. All he ever wanted was to have her forgiveness. And now that she is open to listen, he would not miss the chance to make up. Donya Ofelia ‘Amorcita’ Rastro (Cellia Rodriguez) heard everything. She saw how her nephew was very eager and happy to see Melissa. She hopes that everything would turn out to be alright.

Episode 51  
Donya Ofelia ‘Amorcita’ Rastro  and Felix Rastro  were having their dinner. When suddenly their housemaid then approached them and said that there were police officers outside and were looking for Felix. Donya Amorcita then said that she will be the one to face them. Police Officer Michael Pascual  then said that he knows that she is just hiding her nephew. Donya Amorcita then surrendered and said that she is really hiding her nephew and she is doing that because she believes that he is not a rapist. Donya Ofelia then told Felix that he should get out of the country as soon as possible. She had already prepared for his papers. Felix said that it was against his will but he would do that to make things cool down. Meanwhile, Roberto Sebastian was very supportive with the processing of Melissa Santiago- Rastro . He was like that because he wanted to get back with Melissa. For him, Melissa and him are meant to be. He then told his wife, Rebecca Sta. Maria- Sebastian  that he wanted to have an annulment. And she should agree to that. Rebecca told him that she is not going to give that one to him. Roberto then threatened her that he is going to add her to the list of people that he had already killed. Rebecca was very scared. She knows that Roberto could do that thing. Roberto then told Melissa that he had already found a lawyer that would handle her case. He knows this lawyer as the best when it comes to that field. Melissa was very thankful and went to the office of the said lawyer (Ehra Madrigal).

Episode 52  
Donya Ofelia ‘Amorcita’ Rastro  was mad that her nephew when he did not push through in going to the United States. She had already prepared for all his papers and yet he still came back. Felix Rastro  then answered his aunt that he did not want to escape from the charges that his wife, Melissa Santiago- Rastro, would file against him. If he would escape, it would only mean that he is guilty and Melissa would never forgive him. He wants to have the forgiveness of Melissa. He could not take it from his conscience. Meanwhile, the lawyer (Ehra Madrigal) that Melissa had sought to help said that according to the law in the Philippines, she could not file a rape case against her husband if the incident happened before their marriage. Melissa was very disappointed. She told the lawyer that she did know that the man she was married to was also the man who raped her. And Felix was very good to her. The lawyer then told her that she could only file a rape case if she would have their marriage null and void. Roberto Sebastian  was listening and had a smile on his face when he heard that. He knows that Melissa is very angry with the man who raped her. So, before she could let Felix pay for his sin, she would also have to have their marriage voided. Meanwhile, Donya Amorcita already got their lawyer. The lawyer told Donya Amorcita to leave them since she wanted to talk with the client personally. The lawyer asked Felix very frankly. She wanted to know the truth. She would be able to help him if she will know what the real story is.

Episode 53  
Melissa Santiago- Rastro  told Roberto Sebastian  that she is in doubt on filing an annulment with her husband, Felix Rastro. She is thinking about her daughter, Eva Santiago . She knows that the child would be the most affected person during the case. Roberto then said that she should do the right thing. Melissa said that Felix had been good to them. She thinks that they could settle the matter without bringing it to court. But she still thinks about what she will do. Roberto reminded her that the thing that Felix had done was unforgivable. Roberto also added that Melissa should not wait that Felix would do it to Eva. It would be more painful if something bad would happen to her daughter, Eva. These words of Roberto made jher think. She then pushed through with her filing of annulment. The next day, Donya Ofelia ‘Amorcita’ Rastro  greeted Felix with a news. She told him that Melissa had already sent him a copy of the papers she had filed. Dony Amorcita said that Melissa is now starting to make her moves. And she is doing the first step. Meanwhile, Felix Rastro’s lawyer told them that she had already prepared her set of tactics to delay the case. But Felix complained. He does not want to listen to them anymore. He would do what he would want to do to save his marriagewith Melissa. When felix was gone, the lawyer told Donya Amrcita that she had won many cases like that but this one would be difficult for her because Felix is using his heart and not his mind.

Episode 54   
Felix Rastro  was in a bar, drinking alone. He was still waiting for his friend to come. At the next table, a group of four people was talking about his personal life. They were chatting about his wife, Melissa Santiago- Rastro . Felix was not reacting when they were talking about what he had done to his wife. Felix only reacted when he heard one man say that Melissa is a slut. Felix approached the table of the group. He then told them that Melissa is a good woman. The man stood up and said that Melissa is not that good because she is rumored to be the mistress of her former boyfriend who is running as a Mayor. Felix was very mad. He punched the man. All the three men were fighting while, the two ladies moved away. Meanwhile, the hearings of the annulment of Melissa and Felix had been started. Melissa was directly asked by one reporter if she was really raped by her husband, Felix. Melissa could not answer. She was in a state of disbelief that their case would be that sensationalized. Roberto Sebastian  was the one who answered the question and said that it is not about the rape case. They are there to make the validity of the marriage void. The reporter was not contented and asked Felix who has just arrived. Felix also did not answer that question.

Episode 55   
Melissa Santiago- Rastro  reminisces on the time that was still very happy wither husband, Felix Rastro . Her daughter, Eva Santiago  notices that her mother was crying. Eva then asked Melissa if she really loves Daddy Felix. Melissa could not tell Eva what is really happening with hermarriage with Felix. Eva is still too young to understand. Meanwhile, Donya Ofelia ‘ Amorcita’ Rastro went to the mansion of the Sebastian. Rosanna Sebastian  and Mayor Lucio Sebastian were very happy to see the woman. Donya Amorcita have been their patron ever since. She was the one giving them bigger funds during the election. Roberto Sebastian. They then asked what the purpose of the woman was. Why she visited them? Donya Amorcita then said that she needs her favor to be done. Donya Amorcita told them about the case of Felix and Melissa. But Roberto does not want to listen anymore. He does not want to be commanded on what he will do with Melissa. Roberto then went to Donya Amorcita and told her that he would never follow orders from her. Meanwhile, Eva was playing outside their house. She was very busy playing with her toys. Roberto came together with his bodyguard. He told Eva to change clothes and go with him. They are going to go somewhere else. He is going to treat her with all kid’s stuff. But Eva did not move. She answered the man that she would not be going somewhere else. She knows that her father Felix would be coming over to talk and play with her. This made Roberto angry. He then pulled Eva and said that Felix would never be coming for her. Eva was hurt. She was already telling her Uncle Roberto that she is already hurt.

Episode 57   
 Felix Rastro  was then summoned by his wife, Melissa Santiago- Rastro. She is telling him that he will surely pay for the thing he had done on to her. Meanwhile, Melissa went to the office of Felix to confront him. Donya Ofelia ‘Amorcita’ Rastro had known and then went to the place where they were. Donya Ofelia told Melissa that she is unhappy with her because she did not give in to her favor. Melissa said that what happened to her is unforgivable. Melissa was very mad. Donya Ofelia then told her that she should get out from her building or else the guards will bring her out. Melissa still stayed and told them her intentions. Donya Ofelia got mad and instructed the guards to pull the lady. Meanwhile, Roberto Sebastian instructed a man to look for women who could stand out as a witness and say that he is really a rapist. He would like Felix to be convicted and living a hell way of life. Felix was arrested druing the press launching f their company. Donya Ofelia was dismayed. She was also curious who let the policemen in. But the police already has a warrant of arrest. They could not avoid it anymore.

Episode 59  
Roberto Sebastian  was alarmed that Melissa Santiago Rastro  did not answer him right away when he asked her if she still loves Felix Rastro . He is worried that Melissa still has feelings for Felix and that one day Melissa would decide to back out from the case. He would not let that happen. He is already so close in his success in getting Melissa back. So, he then told his confidante to have someone inside the jail and have Felix killed. That day, they have already contacted someone. They have planned to make into action their plan that night. But they were unsuccessful. Felix was safe. He only got a minor stabbed wound. What happened to Felix was reported on the television. Eva Santiago  had seen the news on television. She was shocked to know that her father was imprisoned and she is worried that her father was stabbed. She then asked her mother if the news was true. She asked her mother Melissa why she was not informed of what really happened to her father. She knows that her father is a good man. Melissa explained that she had decided not to inform her because she is still very young to handle those kind of matters. Eva looked at her mother. She told her that she hoped it has nothing to do with her. She hopes that she is not the reason why her father is behind bars.

Episode 60 
The hearing of the case of Melissa Santiago- Rastro  against Felix Rastro had already started. During the proceedings, the camp of Melissa had brought ladies that say that they have been also harassed by Felix. Elix protested and say that he have not met the ladies before. Melissa, on the other hand, was also questioned by her closeness with her ex- boyfriend, Roberto Sebastian . The camp of Felix made a story that Melissa had already known that Felix was the one who raped her and that she had already forgiven him. Melissa was enraged by the story that they made. Meanwhile, Rebecca Sta. Maria- Sebastian  contacted her mother- in- law, Rosanna Sebastian . Rosanna begged to Rebecca to come back to her husband, Roberto. But Rebecca said that she would feel safe in her hometown in Cebu than in the arms of her husband, Roberto. Rosanna was curious what Rebecca was trying to say. Rosanne did not like what Roberto had been doing in the past weeks. Rosanna did not know that Roberto has been just behind him and heard what she begged to Rebecca. Roberto said that he will talk with Rebecca. He commanded Rebecca not to hang up. He warned her and told her not to mingle with his business with Melissa. He would surely hurt her if he got his hands on her.

Attuuukkooii..! panat boh gia menaip entri ni..:-)

Sinopsis Broken Vow episode 1-25

Pertama sekali sinopsis drama Broken Vow ini tidak lengkap kerana ada banyak sinopsis episodnya yang tidak terdapat di internet. Sa cuma dapat mencari sinopsis separuh daripada episod ini.

Episode 1
Robert Sebastian  is son of a very rich family in their place. He is also a councilor. During a gathering, he announced how happy he became when he met a beautiful and loving woman. And that is none other than Melissa Santiago . He then went down on stage and approached Melissa. Everybody was very happy; teasing the two of them. Robert proposed to Melissa. He wanted to get married to her as soon as possible for she is the apple of his eyes. On her way home, Melissa was very happy sharing the good news to her mother, Amor Santiago (Melissa Mendez). Melissa was very happy sharing to her mother Amor the news. But she then noticed that her mother was not even showing gladness. Melissa asked Amor about her opinion about it. Amor is just worried about their status. She knows that the Sebastian family is very known and rich. She could not imagine that a councilor would marry a woman from a poor family and the parents are not having a good job. Melissa explained that Robert is not like that. On the other hand, Robert was also asked by his mother, Rosanna Sebastian (Carmi Martin). She asked him why he made that proposal in public. Robert told her that he loves her very much and that he wanted to be with her as soon as possible. Rosann told him that he should have chosen a better woman compared to Melissa. Melissa is just a daughter of a couple who sells pig. She wants him to chose a woman like his former girlfriend, Rebecca Sta. Maria .

Episode 2
Melissa Santiago  was talking on the phone with Robert Sebastian  when suddenly men approached her and kidnapped her. Robert heard what had just happened. He was already screaming for the name of Melissa but he could not receive any feedbacks. The mobile was left at the place where Melissa was abducted. Melissa was raped by a group of men. After the incident, Melissa was found lying in the street. She was then rushed to the hospital. Melissa’s mother, Amor Santiago was crying about what had happened to her daughter. What happened to Melissa became sensational. Melissa was crying so hard. She could not believe what to what had happened to her. She hoped that she died. She did not like what happened to her. Amor then went to comfort her daughter. She knows that Melissa is undergoing trauma. She could not imagine how life of Melissa would be. All that time, what Melissa was thinking was Robert. She could not face im anymore. Their wedding is approaching but she could not stand marrying him since she is not pure anymore. Meanwhile, Robert has instructed the police to look for the men who did that to his fiancé. He wants them to be finished.

Episode 3   
The Police officers were already at the hospital to investigate about the incident. Robert Sebastian  was there at the bedside of Melissa Santiago  Melissa was silent. Her eyes were filled with tears. But she did not utter any word. Robert then begged her and told Melissa to tell him what had happened. He wanted her to talk so that the case would already have a path. Robert then told her to tell it to him. So, Melissa started sharing what had happened that night. She started with the information why she was in that area. She told him how the men abused her and molested her. She remembered everything. Melissa then said that she woke up in a motel room and somebody raped her. Robert was holding back his tears. He could not bear hearing what had happened to his fiancé. The police then thanked her for the information that she had shared. At least they could now start their investigation. When Robert has been already back in their house, he was very emotional. He could not accept that he did not do anything to protect his fiancé. His father, Mayor Lucio Sebastian (Juan Rodrigo) then confronted his son and told him that there are some circumstances that they could not get hold of. And what had just happened is one of those events.

Episode 4  
The wedding of Robert Sebastian  wand Melissa Santiago  would still push through even if she was raped. The friend of Rebecca Sta. Maria  was teasing her why she kept on following Robert. She noticed that Robert would still push through with the wedding with Melissa. Rebecca would not mind what would happen. All she wants to do is to try her best to tease and tempt Robert. She then called on Robert and told him to meet up with her. Rebecca wants to give her best no matter what would happen. Meanwhile, Melissa was not feeling well. She feels that there is something wrong with her. She then went to the obstetrician to have her self checked. While waiting, she was hoping that she is not pregnant and that she is only having air in her stomach. Her obstetrician then came and told her about the result of her pregnancy test. The obstetrician then said that she is pregnant. Melissa did not know what to feel. She did not want to carry the child of the man who raped her. She wanted to die. She is not know what to tell Robert about their situation.

Episode 11   
Melissa Santiago (Bianca King) is still hoping that her case would still be resolved. She is waiting that the suspect who had done her worst would pay for that immoral act they did to her. Felix Rastro  is still waiting when Melissa would give him a chance. Felix is very serious about his proposal to Melissa but Melissa is the one who does not want to have a commitment to him. She does not want to have a commitment to anybody. She is still hurting from the time that former fiancé, Robert Sebastian , left her. Melissa was then asked by her daughter about her father. The child is curious what her father looks like because she had not seen him even in pictures. Melissa then explained that her husband died before she gave birth to her. And they are not used to taking pictures. One day, Melissa met an old friend. That guy is also a common friend of Robert. She asked how Robert was but the guy told her that he had not heard from him ever since he went to the United States. When the guy left together with his wife, Melissa felt something strange from her inside. She was curious why she was feeling that way. On the birthday celebration of the daughter of Melissa, Felix was also there to celebrate with them. He stands as the godfather of the child. But the child wanted more. She told Felix that she wants him to become her father.Melissa heard wht her daughter asked from Felix.

Episode 13  
Melissa Santiago is still afraid to get into a relationship. She explained it to Felix Rastro  that she had been into a very painful situation. She can bear those painful experiences but she could not take that somebody else would be experiencing the same as hers. This time she is not alone anymore. She already has Eva in her life. SHe does not want that her daughter would be experiencing her pain. Meanwhile, Robert Sebastian  is already back in the Philippines. He shared with his friend that he had been away in the country for five years but never in his mind that Melissa was removed. He kept on remembering her. And she knows that he still has feelings for her. Meanwhile, Felix had already told his mother, Ofelia  that he really loves Melissa so much. He is willing to give up everything just for her. And because of that he is willing to give up the good life he is having. And he would also give up his current position in the company. Dona Ofelia had realized how much her son loves that Melissa. Her son, felix, is willing to give up everything jus for her.

Episode 14   
Felix Rastro  told Melissa Santiago  how he loves her. He is willing to give up everything for her. Melissa told him that she is not yet ready to commit. She could not dare hurt the feelings of Donya Ofelia . Melissa had known that Donya Ofelia is against the idea of his son. Donya Ofelia would not want her son to marry a disgraceful woman like her. She is also not from a rich family. Melissa knows that every mother wants the best for her child. She, too, is a mother. She is already feeling that way for her daughter, Eva. Melissa would not want to undergo the same again. She had been hurt already. What fears Melissa is that Donya Ofelia could not accept her already, how much more if the old woman would know about her as a rape victim. But later on, Melissa had accepted the love that Felix is giving. They kissed under the rain and hugged each other. Felix was very happy that Melissa had already accepted him. The following day, Felix presented little Eva a gift. The child was very happy the Lord had already answered her prayers. She is already happy for she will have a happy family.

Episode 15  
Eva is very happy that Felix Rastro  would already become officially her father. She had wished this on her birthday. Meanwhile, Melissa Santiago  is already happy with her life not until when she gets a moment to meet again Robert Sebastian. Robert is Melissa’s first love and heartache. Her focus is in disequilibrium seeing him again. But Melissa had already placed in her mind that Robert is already married. She should not hope for his love anymore. But behind Robert’s mind, he wanted to get Melissa back no matter what happens. One day, Robert got a chance to visit Melissa in her house. Melissa was not there. But he saw a child that almost fell down. He helped the lovely young child. Little Eva then thanked the man who had saved from hurting herself. She then called him her angel. Eva then shared with Felix the man she met that day. She tells her Daddy Felix that the man named Robert is a very good man. And he is now her new Guardian Angel just like him (Felix). Felix and Melissa were just staring at each other. They could not share with the child that the man he met is the man who had hurt her mother so deeply.

Episode 16 
Felix Rastro is already very busy preparing for his wedding with Melissa Santiago. He then showed to Melissa the picture of the house they will be living in after they got married. Melissa suddenly keeps quiet. She remembers the time when she and Robert Sebastian  was about to get married. Robert also showed her the house they were supposed to be living at after. Meanwhile, Robert keeps on following Melissa. Melissa was already annoyed by his actions. She then reminded him that he is already married. Melissa does not want to make any presumptions. She then told him that the present and the past are very different. But Robert is very decided to have her back. He came back here in the Philippines for her. And he does not want to lose her again. Meanwhile, Eva Santiago  had mentioned to her godfather, Felix, about his new friend which happens to be a friend of her mother also. She is wondering how lucky would be the daughter of her Tito Robert. Felix was surprised by the name of the guy. He asked her again about that Robert. The child explained to him how did they met. Felix confronted Melissa and asked her why she did not tell him that Robert is again being shown up in her life. He did not know that the two were already talking. He is afraid in his status because he knows that Melissa loves Robert so much.

Episode 17  
It was already the day that Felix Rastro  is waiting. But his mother, Donya Ofelia Rastro , is very sad. She could not believe that her little boy is getting married. She still remembers the day that she used to take good care of him. Felix then told her that there is nothing she should worry about. Melissa Santiago (Bianca King) is a very good woman and she would make a good wife. Meanwhile at the church, everybody is waiting for the bride to arrive. Dona Ofelia is already tensed because she has a feeling that Melissa would not come. But Felix is very strong on his belief not unless Roberto Sebastian  is again on the scene. Felix then asked the close friend of Melissa, Amy about the whereabouts of Melissa. Amy told him that she did not pass by Melissa. She was too excited to see the venue and had told her to see her friend at the church on her wedding dress. Meanwhile the ideas of Felix were right. The bridal car of Melissa was blocked by Roberto. He was there begging from Melissa not to go to her wedding. But Melissa told him that she wanted to have a new life but she would start it with Felix. She would not dare sacrifice the man who truly loves her. Robert showed her papers. Those papers are their way out from that situation. Robert is also willing to bring Eva Santiago  with them.

Episode 18  
Roberto Sebastian  was very hurt watching his first love get married. He promised to himself that he would do things that would make Melissa Santiago  happy. After the wedding, the couple directly went to their suite. Felix Rastro  was very happy because he already has Mrs. Melissa Rastro with him. He told her again the promises that he had already told her. Whne they were about to make love, Melissa suddenly shouted. Memories from the past then came again in the mind of Melissa. She told Felix that she could still remember the event that she was raped. Felix understood how painful it was for Melissa. Years had already passed and still the case was not yet solved. Meanwhile, Roberto was waiting for the private investigator that he hired. HE was already very impatient. He wants to have results. He wanted to have an information to tell to Melissa. He has to so that he could again connect with Melissa. The private investigator then told him that he already got news about the rapist of Ms. Melissa Santiago. After hearing everything and getting the documents presented by the investigator, Roberto then went to the house where the new couples were staying.

Episode 19 
Melissa Rastro  went to the police station together with her husband, Felix Rastro, and Roberto Sebastian . She was very eager to see the arrested suspect who raped her. Melissa then told Michael Pascual  that she is going to look at the suspect who raped her. But Felix then told her that she does not have to do that. Melissa told him that she had suffered five years of her life because of that incident. So, she wanted to see the man and check if it is really him. Meanwhile, Eva Santiago  then talked with Felix and tol him that she wished that he was her real father. Felix then told the child he is really her real father. Felix had aslo witnessed Eva talks with her mother, Melissa, telling that she is also with the man who had hurt her. She would also hate the persons who would be hurting her. After meeting the man, Melissa shouted at the man and told him how he ruined her life. The man was surprised by what Melissa was telling her. He was for sure had not met her. But Melissa was already brought about by her emotions and pushed the police officer and got his gun. Melissa pointed thegun at the face of the arrested suspect.

Episode 22  
Rebecca Sta. Maria- Sebastian  came back in the Philippines to follow after her husband, Roberto Sebastian . When she arrives, she had seen what her husband had been doing with his life. Roberto is more focusing on his vices. Rebecca then went in the master’s bedroom and cleaned all the mess. She was already complaining foe the things that had been happening. Roberto then came and was surprised seeing her in there. Rebecca then welcomed him with a complaint. Roberto thent told her that she should have done that over the phone and she could have saved the plane fare. Roberto told her that he is already used with her who is always complaining. She should have not followed him. Rebecca told him that she wanted to save their marriage. After hearing that, Roberto then told her that he only wanted space. He needs that so that he could survive in that in the kind of marriage they have. Rebecca was silent. She then approached Roberto and started to massage him gently. But Roberto was very aggressive. He went on top of her and started to undress her. Rebecca was shouting, but later on allowing Roberto to make his intentions. After doing their duty as husband and wife, Roberto went to the restroom and groomed himself. He then told Rebecca that he will be sleeping in the guest room. Rebecca was very mad. She was telling him that she was not a whore, wherein he (Roberto) would just use her whenever he wants to. Roberto did not listen to her. He went out without looking back at her. Rosanna Sebastian (Carmi Martin) came in and pampered her daughter- in- law.

Episode 23  
Eva Santiago  got some chocolates in the fridge. Donya Ofelia Rastro  was on her way to the kitchen when she saw the child eating the chocolate. Eva gave offered her the chocolate she was eating. Donya Ofelia then told her that the chocolate she is eatingis very expensive. Donya Ofelia then added that she would not take that chocolate because it came form her who is very dirty. She is dirty because she is a product of a wrong act. She is a daughter of a rapist. Eva was crying very hard. She walked out and went directly to her room. Melissa Santiago- Rastro  came and told her daughter that she has a present for her. Melissa was curious why Eva did not looked at her. When she checked on her, she was surprised seeing her daughter cry like that. Eva then asked her mother if she is dirty. She then told her that she was told that she was a daughter of a rapist. Eva cried and asked her mother what the meaning of a rapist is. Melissa then looked for Donya Ofelia. She told her that she wanted to talk to her about what had happened with Eva. Donya Ofelia answered her that she was busy. She would just reprimand the whoever that housemaid who hurt the feelings of the child. Melissa told her that Eva had already told her the truth; that she (Donya Ofelia) was the one who hurt the feelings of Eva.

Episode 25  
Roberto Sebastian  and his family were in the birthday party of a friend in politics. Roberto was called by the host to go to the stage since he would be running as Mayor for the next election. Roberto was very happy for the good things that his godfather had said about him. He then shared to everyone that he is also lucky that he is love by a woman. He then pointed at the direction where Melissa Santiago- Rastro  was sitting. She did not know that Mrs. Rosanna Sebastian (Carmi Martin) was at her back. Roberto then said the name of her mother. But he was actually looking at the direction of Melissa. Melissa knew that what Roberto meant in that speech has two meanings. When the party ended, Felix Rastro  and Melissa was on their way home, when Melissa remembered that she left her purse. She wnet back inside the venue and she found Roberto holding her purse. She then told Roberto to give to her but he wouldn’t. Melissa was starting to get annoyed. She really wanted to get her purse because Felix was waiting for her. She then told Roberto that her husband was waiting for her. But Roberto wanted to hear from her that she still loves him. Melissa told her that she admits that she had loved him before. bUt the situation that time is already very different. She is thankful that they broke up because she met the man who truly loves her.

Attuuukkooii..! panat boh gia menaip entri ni..:-)

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